Name of the choir: Arion-koret.

Address: Tulipanvej 28 A, DK 8240 Risskov, Aarhus, Denmark.


We are a part-singing male choir, with the purpose of creating an interest in this branch of harmonic singing.

The Choir has about 50 active members.

The Choir's repertoire is mainly Danish and Scandinavian songs and ballads suitable for a male choir with 4 voices. In addition to that we also sing some German and English songs, which are suited for and in some cases directly written for male choirs, some of them arranged especially for our choir either by the conductor or one of the choir members.

The Choir performs in concerts, by larger arrangements too, and entertains at private celebrations.

Thus the choir gives many public performances every year, just as it is natural for us to sing about Christmas time in rest homes, hospitals and the like.

The Choir has often travelled in Europe, the later years in Sweden, the Netherlands and Germany. However we have also been touring outside Europe, for example 1989 on tour in USA and in spring 2001 a visit in Beijing, China, resulting in an invitation to the "2001 Jiangmen International Chorus Festival" 1st - 5th October 2001.

Again In autumn 2005 the choir was on tour, this time to the beautiful city of Prague, giving a concert in Nejsvetejsi Srdce Pane, a very big and modern church with a very excellent acoustic.

2007 the Choir has paid a visit to City Goslar in Germany, to celebrate the 140 year jubilee for our choir of friendship there with a big concert - 4 choirs with a total of 110 singers - in the church Stefani. 

In July 2009 the choir has participated in the “Festival Verona Garda Estate” in Italy with 37 singers.

Later that year - during the “Aarhus Festival Week” - the choir has again performed - 8 times - in the theatre in “Den Gamle By” (“The Old City”), and in the month of December we have made several ”Christmas Concerts” in the same very old theatre.

In 2012 we participated in the ”International Krakow Choir Festival” in Poland, running from the 31st. of May to the 3rd. of June. During the Festival the choir competed in ”Equal Voices Choirs Adults”.

Again in 2014 the Choir visited the City Goslar in Germany, this time to celebrate the 60 year jubilee for the friendshib between the two Choirs - Arion Goslar and Arion Aarhus. A concert was given St. Stefani's chirch with the two Arions and Goslar Frauensingkreis with in all approx. 80 singers. 

President of the Choir:

Keld T. Henriksen

Fortevej 88, 8240 Risskov

phone +45 8617 8434 mobile: +45 2123 0201



Conductor of the Choir:

Brian Stenger Poulsen

Amtoftvej 4 A, DK 8240 Risskov

phone +45 8621 5534







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