A male choir with approx. 50 active singers, where the joy of singing is the main focus, but also with time for comradeship and concord between the members.

We make church concerts and musical entertainments and according to an old tradition we each year can be heard in "Simonens Have" i Den Gamle By (The Old City - Open air Historical Museum), were we on Whitsunday morning will sing to the rising sun. From 2002 to 2011 we were a steady part of the Aarhus Festival Week with concert and entertainment in Tonica's tent "Tyrolerhaven" on Klostertorv.

In the years from 2006 - 2011 the choir had an extended colaboration with Den Gamle By in Aarhus, so in addition to Whitmorning a number of Musical Salon performences were made in the Elsingor Theater during Aarhus Festival Week, in addition to Christmas concerts.

The choir gladly undertakes larger assignments, e.g. we have had a charity concert in the Aarhus Musical Hall (Musikhuset), with participation from Jesper Lundgaard, Kaare Norge, and Søren Dahl as soloists and Lotte Heise as conferencier.

Since 1954 the choir has had a very fruitful collaboration with our friendship choir of the same name: MGV Arion Goslar, Tyskland. In 2004 this friendship between the singers had lasted for 50 years, and it was duely celebrated with a reception at the Aarhus Town Hall and a joint concert. The 60 years jubilee also celebrated: Arion Aarhus visited Goslar, where the two choirs - and the local FrauenSingKreis - gave a concert in Sct. Stephani church.

Also with Aarhus Damekor (Aarhus Ladies Choir), now Aarhuskoret, there through the years has been a collaboration, latest at a concert at the Aarhus Music Hall in October 2000.

For a more details on the choir history please continue here: Short resumee of the history of the Arion-Choir.


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