Arion welcomes new members who have a desire and skill for singing and who values good company. As we are a male choir we unfortunately only admit men. Danish is the spoken language, so you have to be able to speak Danish. Age is of no importance (even though many of the current members are in the high end of the scale).

We practice in our own building: ”ARION's Hus", Tulipanvej 28 A, 8240 Risskov (the corner of Grenåvej / Lystrupvej / Hørgårdsvej, entry from Tulipanvej) - and the parking conditions are good.

Practice is every Tuesday from 7:30 pm to approx 9:30 pm, but we take six weeks off during summer and between Christmas and New Year.

The choirs building is a former general store, which has been adapted to the purpose. The is a large hall with room for 40 to 80 persons, and a smaller room suited for meetings during breaks or before a party.

The facilities are being used by other associations and the like, but in case they are free, is is possible to rent them for party or meeting. 

For more information, please see the House Website. (in Danish)


What does the choir require if you want to join

That you are enjoy singing, is able to sing in tune and keep you part in a choir context. There is no direct requirement for ability to read music, but it of cause will be a great advantage with some basic skills.

That you do your best to attend all practice eventings. Even though we are a choir of amateurs we strive to sing at a high level.

That you are able to communicate in Danish.

You are welcome to visit us with no obligations at a song evening, to listen in and chat with the members.

You are alse very welcome to get more information by contacting the president of the choir:

Per Lykke Tønnesen
Brobjerg Parkvej 39 8250 Egå
tlf. 3095 7059

or vice president:

Ole Møller
Galten Hedevej 10 8370 Hadsten
tlf. 2088 5000


More about the rules for admission: 


On the first evening the new singer is present, there will be no audition. This evening new singer is a listening guest, and he will be furtherinformed about being a member of Arion, the uniform, monthly subscription and the procedures for admission. He will be told that he on the following song evening will lead the singing of one song, and the conductor will give him the song he is going to sing.


At the folowing evening he will sing the indicated song for an "admission committee" consisting of the conductor, a representative from the artistic committee and one or two members of the board. On the basis of the lead singing it will be desided if he can be regarded as applicant for the choir and which voice he will belong to.

Singer test (Quartet audition):

After four practice evenings a singer test will be made according thó the folling guidelines:

The applicant will sing his part in a song approved by the admission committee in a small ensemble (quartet or double quartet). The applicant is permitted to have an experienced singer form his own voice as support. The other singers forming the quartet will be selected by the conductor.

The audition will normally be made during the break between the two sessions of a practice evening.


The final admission into ARION will take place at the following evening practice after having passed the quartet audition. The uniform will be provided soon after the admission.

The admission will be celebrated appropriatly at the choirs parties.

Singers will not participate in the ARION performances untill they formally are members and have their uniform.

Applicants (singers that are not yet admitted) may participate in ARION parties on equal terms as the members, as the monthly subscription will be calculated from the fourth song evening.

If an applicant does not pass the quartet audition, the allready paid subscription will be refunded.


Upon enrollment a fee - set by the board - is to be paid, p.t. 1000 DKK. 850,- DKK will cover the costs in connection to the uniform. The uniform remains the property of the choir and is to be returned to the choir upon resignation or transfer to passive membership.

The uniform consists of a black tuxedo (dinner jacket and trousers) two white tuxedo shirts and beautie and hanckerchief. Black shoes and socks will be used and alle singers are expected to pocess these themselves. Furthermore two black shirts (with Arion name) and one tie are included as the board may decide on special occations to use black trousers, black shirt and tie, that were part of the former uniform. All singers are expected to have a pair of black trousers.

A subscription - set by the general assembly - will be paid. P.t. the subscription is 600,- DKK every six months. 



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